Custom Black Walnut White Oak Dining Room Table

Custom Black Walnut White Oak Dining Room Table

This is a black walnut and white oak table made from local wood that was for sale or slated to be burned. This table has live/wayne edges and is made from two slabs that were sliced in half and bookmatched. The legs and underside supports are overbuilt in order to last many lifetimes. The finish is 10 layers of tung oil and citrus oil applied over two months with a wax finish (beeswax, carnauba, rottenstone, tung oil, and citrus oil).

Table is about 29'' high, 70 inches long, and between 42-36 inches wide (approximately)

The black walnut tree was over 100 years old when taken down in the 90s. It was a local landmark next to the courthouse in Grants Pass, OR. Though protested the tree was removed to make room for the municipal building. Its root-ball may still be laying in a great mass of potential burl joy for any who might locate it.

We met the man who bought the wood from the man's family who cut and milled the tree. The big stuff went into boardroom or conference room tables but a few pieces made it out into the public for beautiful furniture applications.

The design is custom with legs slightly stanced (pushing out) and with elements borrowed from trestle-style tables. Thanks for looking!


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